Do hours completed at internships, externships or residency placements count as pro bono? It depends. If you receive academic credit or any financial compensation, including public interest stipends, then no. Hours completed for a residency placement, class clinic, or
externship which exceed the number of required hours and meet the elements of pro bono, may count toward pro bono hours. Additional questions? Email
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Use Access Code: 10200
Please note: SPACE IS LIMITED to no more than 10 students from any one law school and 100 total spaces are available, so this event fills very quickly. The Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management will confirm reservations after RSVP closes, and
provide additional instructions on security requirements and building access.
Click here to RSVP via email. In the email state your 1) name, 2) law school, 3) email address, and 4) internship location, if applicable.