Please Be Sure to Bring Your Passport!
• For OCSD programs, stamps will only be provided at the live session. This means you must remember to bring your passport with you (just keep it in your bag at all times). We will no longer be providing stamps after the fact based on attendance sheets. We will give stamps in our office for meetings with Dean Duncan or Ms. Mencarini (cover letters, etc.) and for connecting with your preceptor (just bring us an email or text message as
• If you lose (or have already lost) your passport, please email Ms. Turman at aturman@elon.edu and she will send you a template to print a new one on your own.
• For the Pro Bono stamp, you need to attend an event that has been specified as a Pro Bono event (not an OCSD professional development event).
Parker Poe's 2020 THRIVE:
Succeeding in Law School & Beyond
Information Session
January 7, 12:40-1:20 p.m., Room 105
Join attorneys from Parker Poe who will share information about the THRIVE program, scheduled for Saturday, January 25 from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. in Parker Poe's Raleigh office. THRIVE focuses on helping minority law students navigate law school, make a successful transition into the practice of
law after graduation, and thrive as they embark on their legal career - whatever path they may choose.
Greensboro Bar Association January Lunch Meeting - Student RSVPs needed
Each month, the Greensboro Bar Association invites five student members to join in the membership meeting, which provides excellent networking and learning opportunities. In January, the GBA will host a lunch meeting on Thursday, January 16 from 12:15 - 1:40
p.m. at the Greensboro Country Club (410 Sunset Dr.). The featured speaker will be Ms. Jana Barrett, Director of Foundation and Community Relations at Lincoln Financial. The first five students to email Ms. Mencarini (jmencarini2@elon.edu) by Friday, January 10 at noon will have a reserved spot for the January meeting. If you are able to get a spot for this meeting, you must attend.
Lynette Lorenzetti with Financial Planning Visits
Elon Law Each Wednesday.
Walk-in appointments will be held from 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. in
room E106 in the Admissions Building.