Attorney and law student volunteers are needed to serve in 2-hour shifts between 9am and 1pm on Thursday, July 16th to take calls from the public and answer questions related to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including housing, employment, health coverage, benefits, family law and other issues. Volunteers will take calls remotely, through a downloaded app on computer or mobile device. Incoming COVID-19 (Virtual)
Legal Hotline calls will be screened by call screener volunteers and directed through the app to volunteer attorneys for legal information and counsel within their areas of practice (please specify your practice area(s) in your registration). Informational materials and a legal resource directory will be provided.If you are willing to volunteer for both shifts, please complete the registration process for each shift for which you would like to volunteer.The Charlotte Area North Carolina COVID-19
(Virtual) Legal Hotline is sponsored by Legal Aid of North Carolina (LANC) and the North Carolina Bar Foundation (NCBF).